A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

A little bit of knitting

 This hat came off my needles and I think from now on it will be my go-to pattern for kids hats....

The pattern is THIS one and is available in sizes from 2 -12 years.  I used stash yarn.  

- THIS would be a cute Easter project.

- There are links HERE to lots of stuffed toy patterns.

- For those of you here in Canada (or if you want to show us some support) check out THIS pattern.  Some of these will be going in my Christmas box eventually.

- THIS is a great tutorial for making an easy dress.

Today's quote is from Michael C. Clarke..."Negativity is contagious.  Unhappiness is contagious.  Fear is contagious.  But so is happiness.  So is optimism.  So is love.  Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and strive to be a reflection of what you want to receive"


  1. No one in cold country can never have too many hats. Even Florida has to have them for a week. I've printed the pattern. Easy learner here.
    Never have seen Sean Whisperer. Spending some time there. TY

    1. Kids tend to lose their hats and mitts so I know a new supply is always welcome. It's an easy pattern to do which is what I like when I'm watching tv.

  2. today's quote is a keeper ... lately, can't say that i am a reflection of what i want to see - gonna hafta work on that.

    1. I thought it was a good one and worth sharing.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Sherry of createology: MA Dear your knitting needles must be “Smokin” with all you create. Great hat. Also the Canada hat is perfect for these times. This quote should help everyone be positive and happy…no matter what craziness is happening.

    1. I spend my evenings in front of the tv with RC and I can't sit and watch without my hands being busy. Also, I knit simple patterns that don't require a whole lot of thought.

  4. Great hat--nice work. And, what a super quote...hugs, Julierose

    1. I hope one of our grandies will like the hat - at least until he loses it!

  5. The men in my family loved their knitted hats this year so more will be made to put in their baskets for Christmas this year. I do love the green and black together.

    God bless.

    1. Hats tend to disappear, particularly with the grandies, so new ones are always welcome. The green and black were what my stash yielded because I was determined not to buy any more yarn until I used some of what I have.


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