A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Now what do you suppose...

 .....I am going to do with this?....

Reminded myself of how to paper piece to create this.

Here's a little gardening 'tip' from the Resident Chef....if you use a Keurig (or know someone who does), save the plastic pods.  Clean them out and they're perfect for starting your seeds.  They already have a drainage hole in the bottom.  He's also discovered that they fit into an egg carton bottom to keep them contained.  


I guess I should mention that yesterday was my 18th year Blogiversary.  Who knew I could mumble on for that length of time!


- THIS solves a burning question I'm sure you all have (hah).

- If your sewing machine skips stitches, check out THIS article.

- And I learned something (actually TWO somethings) when I read THIS.  

- I rather like THIS.  

- THESE would be cute additions to your Easter decor.

Here's your quote of the day....


  1. Happy Bloggie! I always miss mine. Thanks for an unending supply of interesting ideas and projects.

    1. Thank you! Hah - 'unending' could be taken two different ways (yay, there's more...or....oh no, NOT more).

    2. It's the yay, more, side I'm thinking about!

  2. oooo!!! that looks like the green fields that we passed on the way to Longmont - doesn't a nice little drive in the country sound nice?

    anywho, please tell the RC thank you for the tip - Melissa usually uses reusable filter thingamabobs, but we do have the fancy ones for company - and SOMEDAY (when American chickens are healthy again) when eggs are a CHEAP source of protein again, we'll have egg cartons, too

    1. Green fields is the intent!
      You don't need the egg cartons - they just help to keep the coffee pods curtailed. Any type of container would work.

  3. Happy Blog anniversary. I lost my first blog so I really don't know how long I have been blogging. Good work on using the pods to start seeds.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I hope the pods work and there's no reason why they won't. Saves on buying 'proper' pods meant for starting seeds.


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