A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, March 03, 2025


 There's been some progress on the latest landscape as you can see from this...

Please excuse the basting threads
(forgot to take a photo before I added them)

I need to keep busy creating to take my mind off the state of the world.  Sometimes even immersing myself with fabric, needles and threads isn't enough.

- THIS looks like a fun project and a great use for an old book.

- I don't know how many of you were following my mumblings a couple of years ago when I cross stitched a series of Christmas ornaments, but it's been suggested that I link once again to the pattern designer who lives in the Ukraine.  We need to support artists there if we can, so I can recommend THIS shop.  If you don't see anything there you like, expand your search for other Ukrainian designers.  If you want to see the ornaments I made, check the 'cross stitch' label in my sidebar.

- There are lots of cute quilt block ideas HERE.

Today's quote is from Jimmy Carter..."A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful and restrained.  It can afford to extend a helping hand to others.  It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity"