A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Who'd a thunk it

 You will have noticed a definite lack of crazy quilting here at Chez Magpie and that's by design.  After spending so many years doing projects for publication in the Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine I think I was burnt out.  Even went so far as to get rid of a lot of my CQ stash in favour of fabrics more suited to landscapes.  Ebb and flow of life, I guess.  Well, there's a rumour that I might get asked to teach a workshop in the fall so I had to come up with a prototype.  Several years ago I taught making a hussif * but it takes two sessions to even come close to completing.  So my thoughts turned to doing the entire thing by machine and this cover for a hard-backed notebook is the result...


Opened, to show the back

* if you don't know what a hussif is, check out the links in my sidebar.

- I think THIS process would be fun to attack those pesky fabrics scraps you have been saving for a rainy day.

- THIS is such a pretty pattern that would work in so many different sizes and yarns.

- Although the pattern isn't with THIS, I thought it was worth sharing anyway.

- I love the creativity of THIS artist.

Today the quote is from Caroline Myss..."Perfectionism is the fear of being criticized"


  1. I have a couple of tiny cq purses made by dogonart and I wonder if they were a cqteer project?

    1. I suspect they likely were - glad she shared with you!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a bot. I block them to stop repetition.

    1. Thanks for the head's up - I removed it.

  4. Ah, it's good to see a little crazy quilting again!

    1. Don't hold your breath expecting CQ to be a regular happening here. Might do some small things like postcards but that will likely be about it.

  5. Ohhh, how pretty. I love the colours and the shapes.

    God bless.

    1. I went with what my stash allowed so it's a rather limited palette.

  6. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Sherry of createology: MA your Crazy Quilting has always been outstanding and imaginative and beautiful. I think you have come up with a version everyone will love. Every notebook should be so beautifully covered. I believe there is no perfection…otherwise I would never create anything. Creative Bliss Dear.

    1. Don't know what I'll use the notebook for but at least it has a pretty cover!

  7. Have you ever incorporated crazy piecing into a landscape? Dawn has a new video about making crumb blocks. Her color-sorted crumb storage is impressive.

    1. Yes, I've done CQ in landscapes. Several of the first ones I did used that technique simply because it was my comfort zone at the time. Looking forward to exploring the youtube link - thank you!

  8. Beautiful notebook cover. I am definitely going to do something with that quote for my husband's workshop. Thank you!

    1. It was a quickie project that should translate well into a workshop if there's any interest in it.


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