A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, June 14, 2024

A completion

 Yes, I completed the latest landscape - never to be repeated again, at least not this way...

Based on this photo by Dale Stewart,
and used with his kind permission...

I liked the idea of using a map but (and here's the issue I had) I tried to use a paper map because I didn't have the capability of printing it onto fabric.  Methinks the copy shop would frown on trying to put fabric through their printer.  My search for a decent 'map' already on fabric didn't bear fruit so I attempted to change the 'hand' of the paper using different products I had in my stash, finally settling on Golden Soft Gel.  It left the paper feeling somewhat like plastic which wasn't the texture I hoped for.  My stash didn't yield anything else however so I went with it.  Lesson out of all this?  Don't do it again.

- Have a look at the amazing creations of THIS artist!  I can't imagine working with that many individual pieces of fabric!

- And the creations of THIS artist too (be sure to check her other galleries while you're there).

- I thought THIS article was quite interesting.

- THIS is a really cool idea!!  And HERE is something else you can do with the same material.

- I don't think I would wear any of THESE but they are definitely interesting to see.

The quote is by Paul Klee..."Art does not reproduce what we see.  It makes us see"


  1. Well done on completing the latest landscape. I've used silk I've printed at home with my own images. I got it from dharma Trading. It's various kinds of silk bonded to paper. You scan your image, put it through a printer as usual then peel off the paper backing and use the fabric. Part of the image in my latest stitched book was made that way.

    1. I often put fabric through my home printer with no issues by simply ironing cotton onto freezer paper first. Sadly the size I wanted the map to be didn't 'fit' in my printer and I didn't see a way to marry up multiple prints successfully. I don't suppose the copy shop where I get my images enlarged would be happy about attempting to put fabric through their machines. It was overall a good experiment but not one that I think I'll be repeating, at least not on this scale.

  2. If you hadn't tried, you wouldn't have found out. I like the flowers you added in the foreground.

    1. Yes, the fun was in the trying. If I could convince my brain to work in a smaller format (8x11") I could have printed the map onto fabric myself but for some reason I can't seem to work that small.

  3. I love the top of the light green fabric all "Grass-like" fringed!! Lovely piece...I guess you never know until you try...
    Hope your weekend is really good ; it's gotten pretty humid here, so in the AC hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks Julierose! Weather is supposed to be heating up here too so I expect Resident Chef will be hooking up the a/c before long.

  4. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Sherry of createology: Your landscape is wonderful. The truck looks so realistic. In this photo your map looks good. I like this quote today. I know since I have been learning watercolor I see things in much more detail and colors in their true hues.

    1. Thank you Sherry! I agree that working the way we do helps us see things in more detail.

  5. I think you turned out another great piece.
    Since your last post I came across a You Tube...which I watch too many of, that shows 4 tracing hacks. I thought the last 2 were interesting. Plus I wonder about doing a reverse printing with heavy black ink of a black line master map and doing a rub of it like You Tube shows? It might be too tedious?

  6. Thanks Joy. I'll check that You Tube video because it sounds interesting.

  7. Oh wow!! I think the map as the background/sky is a stroke of genius, Mary Anne! What a right royal pain in the proverbial it was such a tedious and unhappy process. Another sublime landscape. I'd love too see this one up close! Just stunning! I adore all the cars you imagine in your landscapes. A speciality of yours, me thinks. =)

    1. It ended up being slightly misplaced genius on my part because the paper map didn't soften to the 'hand' of fabric as I had hoped. Oh well, it was a fun experiment anyway.

  8. Well, the map might not have worked, but the landscape did! It's beautiful! xx

  9. I agree with Joy. I think this is beautiful too! Thanks for the links!

    1. Thank you Jocelyn - I like the idea but not so happy with the way the map area came out. Might be a revamp happen at some point.

  10. I wonder if you might do something on canvas with mixed media. You could decoupage the paper and then add the fabric pieces. I've also seen people embroidering right onto canvas too. With the map, the title really fits and it came out beautifully.

    1. Canvas could be a thought in the future, but I really do like using the sewing machine and hand stitching. Will have to ponder it!

  11. As always, I love getting a glimpse into your process. I think the finished landscape is great!

    1. My process is sometimes a little more hit and miss but at least it's a learning curve!


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.