A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, June 10, 2024

There's more

 I really wish I had kept track of how many hours have gone into the embroidery on this landscape, but if I had to hazard a guess I would say close to 40.  Am I obsessed much??!!!

Now, it comes to an executive decision and part of my 'experimentation' process that sometimes leads to dismal failure.  I initially had the map embiggened at the copy shop and thought I would use the paper version in my landscape.  What to do to change the 'hand' of the paper to make it softer.  Some experiments later, I decided that I'd use Soft Gel medium brushed over top.  It sort of worked but more on the side the sort of didn't.  I could use it, but stitching it was going to be a chore.  Another consideration would be how durable it would be over a period of years...would it change colour and yellow with time...or worse, turn hard?  A search through my stash has (wonder of wonders!) yielded a couple packages of T-Shirt Transfer paper by Avery which has led me to wonder if...big if....I could print the map onto that and then iron it onto the fabric to make it the texture I'm wanting.  Next ponderment would be how to join the pieces together because, of course, the transfer sheets are only 8 1/2x11".  Then my mind wandered over to wondering what it would look like if I simply went with that size and appliqued them willy nilly over top of a blue sky background....or maybe....what about using them as 'thought bubbles' of a sort, so that my working title for the project of 'The Roads No Longer Travelled' would reflect the old truck thinking about its past life.  Sometimes I really marvel at how my mind works (or doesn't!).  Stay tuned!

- THIS is something you might like to try making.

- You'd best have at least a loaf of bread crumbs to find your way back out of THESE resources.  If you click on the older issues, they're free and you can read to your heart's content.  So much inspiration!!!

- I'm being serenaded outside my window.  You can have a listen to a recording of what I'm enjoying by going HERE.  

- Seeing THIS sent me hareing off to look at my needles.  Hmmm....who knew? 

- Have a peek through THIS gallery of embroidery art!

Today your quote is from Pablo Picasso..."It takes a long time to become young"


  1. It's interesting following your train of thought and what ifs about your current work.. So many ideas!

    1. Sometimes my thought trains get derailed! And yes, so many ideas, so little time.

  2. You are so good at thinking "outside of the box"--will be looking forward to see how your experiment comes out...
    Lovely embroidery on this one--a whole lot of work for sure!! Hugs, Julierose

    1. I really do try to challenge myself with each landscape else I become too set in my ways and just keep churning them out for the sake of making them. Some elements have to remain the same but I try to instill some differences to keep myself interested.

  3. You've got some creative solutions underway, even if that old truck isn't going anywhere.

    1. Ah, but that old truck has dreams.....

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Sherry of createology: You Dear do have an amazing way of thinking so many marvelous ideas for your Art. Ahh the songs of birds is so relaxing. Sometimes I like to softly whistle to the birds as they sing or talk to one another. They always stop and listen. The embroidery skills of the tree artist are exemplary. Happy week to you my friend.

    1. Yes, some would say I have an amazing way of thinking, but many others would say that I'm often way out in left field!

  5. It is interesting how you process your quilts, what to do with what. There's a lot of embroidery there.
    Good links, I like that simple bag.

    1. Yes, it's always interesting and one wonders where I come up with some of it!

  6. I really like the thought bubble idea.

    God bless.

  7. What about sending the image off to Spoonflower where you can print it any size you want on just about any fabric?

    1. Not sure how Spoonflower would work with Canada, or even if they'd ship here (always an issue). For now, I'm working with what I have and seeing what happens. Thanks for the suggestion!

  8. Great creative thoughts to ponder. Not a clue on the answer.
    Wonder if it's just a thing for creative minds to overthink as I'm accused a lot?
    Part of decision making should be to consider all aspects?

    1. Pondering is something I do a lot! Then I force myself to work within the confines of the stash I have on hand, which can add a whole additional element of ponderment.

  9. I love learning about your experimentation with those out-of-the-box ideas.

    1. I love to experiment - sometimes more successfully than others.


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