I'm a happy camper!!
Some of you noticed that I was somewhat AWOL last night and part of today and I want to thank you so much for the concerned emails and phone calls I received. It's nice to know I was missed!!
My blog, my email, and my RSS feed all disappeared from the internet and I was told that my 'access was denied'. Denied? What on earth did I do??? After the initial panic subsided, I emailed Google to ask what had happened. This morning I visited their forum and discovered that this was a world-wide issue, but not for everyone. We were told that Google was working on it and by mid-afternoon I was up and running again. Yay!!!
I was so afraid my blog was gone forever and, like an idiot, I don't have a paper copy of all my favourite blogs and email addresses...I was panicked, thinking that I had lost all my contacts. Needless to say that particular issue will be taken care of!
I'm so glad to be back among the land of the living, and thank you all once again for your concern and cheering up!