Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile might remember that a couple of years ago (or was it three??) Sharon B ran a year-long crazy quilt colour challenge. I posted pictures of all the blocks I completed throughout the year and even managed to finish almost on time.
Well. Ummm. There was a great deal of waffling about what I was actually going to *do* with said blocks. I waffled about making them into a book. I waffled about making 12 pictures out of them. I waffled about leaving them in a drawer. After must discussion (a lot of it on my blog), it was decided I would make them into three panels to hang on the wall. Yeah! So, I got some nice green dupioni silk (my favourite fabric) and made them into panels.
Well. Ummmm. Yep.
They sat.
And they sat.
They grew dust balls.
They threw waves of guilt my direction.
So...I made up my mind that I was going to finish them, come h-e-double-hockey sticks or high water.
Ta-dah...they are. Done, done and done!!
Now, anybody want to place bets on when they'll actually get hung on the wall?