A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, September 04, 2023 about another glimpse??


This is the upper left corner of the landscape.  Each of those itty bitty leaves is individually stitched on.  Anal is my middle name, don'cha know. the interest of true confessions....see those white clouds?  Well, they certainly weren't intentional!  I pressed the border, forgetting that I'd used silk for the dark border and of course a teeny bit of it melted onto my iron which, in turn, deposited itself onto the sky.  What to do - short of scuttling the whole project - hmmmm.    Why, paint clouds over the offending areas and add a few more for good measure.  Phew, disaster averted!

- The work of THIS artist is amazing.  

- THIS would make wonderful gifts!

- You might like to check out Karen Ruane's latest online class - go HERE for more information.

- If you'd like to have a go with watercolour painting, perhaps reading THIS might be useful.

- When I saw THESE, I was blown away (scroll down to see)

- I am intrigued by THESE and now am wondering how I might be able to incorporate something similar into my landscapes...hmmm......pondering.....

Today's quote is from Dale Carnegie..."You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you"


  1. You could definitely do some wired foliage in your landscapes. Maybe even try stump work? A great 3D touch.

    1. Stumpwork is on my list of things to attempt and no doubt some will show up on my landscapes eventually. I'm all for creating texture if I can.

  2. Love the tree and especially the leaf detail. The clouds look perfect! I love it when a disaster is turned into a design feature! Great quote today too! Christine xx

    1. Yep, definitely a design feature! I'm saying it's artistic license - that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  3. It seems accidents can make our creations better sometimes.
    I guess I'll wait and tape 4 sections together to reveal your new piece?
    Yes, looks like tedious leaf work. All the more great.

    1. Not to worry, I will be showing the entire thing when it gets to that point. You won't have to do any taping.

  4. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sherry of createology: I think This tree limb with the individual leaves hand sewn onto the landscape is wonderful. It is all coming together dear. Some fabulous links once again. interesting quote. We have fabulous Fall weather and I hope you do too.

    1. Today has been pretty much the hottest it's been all summer. Who knows what the next few weeks will bring.

  5. what wonderful serendipity for those clouds in your sky when that happens...hugs, Julierose

    1. Well I must admit I wasn't loving it right after the iron deposited goo where it shouldn't have been. Took some thought to figure out how to salvage it.

  6. Ever since you did that canoe creation I think of you when I look up into birch leaves :)

    1. I guess there are worse things that I might make you think of!

  7. The leaves look amazing, and a lot of work! Nice save with the sky, I like the white added to it. It was meant to be!

    1. I don't know if it was meant to be but at least I was able to save it. For awhile there I was thinking I'd have to chuck it and start over.


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