A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Slow and slower

 The progress on the landscape is, at best, extremely slow at the moment but perhaps you can see a little of what I have managed to add...

- Those of you who sew might find one of THESE a very handy thing to have!

- I love THIS - would be fun to try stitching it.

- Have a peek at the incredible creations by THIS artist!

- THIS might be fun to create and gift this time of year.

Today the quote is from L.R. Knost.... "Life is amazing.  And then it's awful.  And then it's amazing again.  And in between the amazing and awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine.  Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.  That's just living a heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life.  And it's breathtakingly beautiful"


  1. Your "Barnscape" is coming along so well--love the new additions--nice textures...Hope that DH is feeling better each day...
    hugs for a lovely weekend Julierose

    1. Sometimes I wonder why I spend so many hours adding embroidery to my landscapes and I suspect it's probably because I spent so many years crazy quilting and now I'm rather obsessed. (DH is mending, slowly...thank you)

  2. I love all your embroidery and extra touches, Mary Anne. It makes for lots to look at and marvel over. :)

    1. They're bad photos because I took them before the sun did decide to put in an appearance. Lots more stitching to come yet I think.

  3. Wonderful oh so true quote!
    Your stitching is amazing.
    The mossy embroidery link looks like fun to try.

    1. Thank you May! This one hasn't required much in the way of fancy embroidery but I can't resist adding at least some.

  4. Hi Maryanne yes it’s coming along nicely ,this is the stage that brings your pics to life,well done my friend 🌹🤍🌹

    1. Yes, I agree. I always have fun putting the finishing touches on.

  5. Very well done. Your embroidery is coming along great guns.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. It's nearly complete now!

  6. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sherry of createology: Looks like you are almost finished with this landscape. Your embroidery really brings it to life. That is quite a quote today. We are living a beautiful life. Hope RC is on the mend now and feeling better.

    1. Yes, this landscape is nearly complete and I'm deciding on which one I'll tackle next. I have lots on file to choose from!
      Resident Chef is improving day by day but still not up to taking back the cooking detail (sadly).

  7. Just like Mother Nature you're making it bloom. Great links!

    1. Wish I could come even remotely close to replicating Mother Nature, but it's fun to try.

  8. Do hope your wonderful RC is doing well. Us older folk are fragile in many ways, especially our skin. So enjoyed looking at your recent creations up close. You do a marvelous job of the quilting lines also the trees, barns, etc. of course. Thanks as always for the links. There are always a couple that I just have to follow.

    1. The RC is recovering - slowly - thank you. Glad you find something of interest in the links and thank you for your kind words!

  9. Lovely additions Mary Anne. I hope the Resident Chef is feeling better! Hugs Christine xx

    1. Thank you Christine! RC is on the mend, but it's going to be a slow process I suspect.

  10. Kudos for doing any sewing at all with everything currently on your plate! But maybe it's your Recharging Place, and you make a little time for it on mental health grounds? Knitting can be that place for me :)

    1. Yes, most definitely I need stitching for my mental health, there's no question.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.