A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Short update

 Resident Chef's surgery went well and he's enthroned in his comfie chair with a wife waiting on him hand and foot.  He's had his breakfast and his coffee and is flatly refusing to take his pain meds (why would a doctor ever prescribe oxy in this day and age when everyone knows how dangerous it is?!) and is relying on x-tra strength Tylenol.  

Regular posts will resume here on Monday.  Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Wishing him a speedy recovery!

    1. Thanks Lorraine - hopefully it won't be long until he's back to his usual self.

  2. More Prayers for a healthy recovery and good treats for the wife

  3. I'm glad all went well. And I'm puzzled about the pain meds, toow. My own doctor allowed them for two days after major abdominal surgery way back because he was aware of the danger of addiction. No excuse nowadays.

    1. I agree - I can't wrap my head around why a modern doctor would prescribe oxy in the first place when there are other, less addicting, options out there. What boggled my mind is that there's 30 pills in the bottle...way more than would have been necessary. He hasn't touched them and got by with extra-strength Tylenol for the first couple of days. I will be returning them to the pharmacy first chance I get.

  4. I see you have your Nurse's cap on--happy that your DH is doing well; I don't blame him for not taking that pill!! Hope you can get some "Sit down" time to relax and sew a little bit;))) hugs, Julierose

    1. It's difficult to nurse a man who is bound and bent he's going to do things he shouldn't but I'm trying. And no, he didn't touch those pills and they'll be going back to the pharmacy for safe disposal. I'm getting some time to sew (thank goodness for slow cookers!!).

  5. Hi Maryanne glad he is doing well 🌹🤍🌹

  6. I hope Resident Chef is soon feeling better.

    1. It's going to be awhile before he's back to his usual self, but each day is a little better.

  7. Hope all continues to go well Mary Anne xxx

    1. Thanks Christine - he's improving, day by day.

  8. oops, sorry I've been out of the loop and didn't know you had to become nurse maid. Hope he's better soon and maybe so since he doesn't have to take the heavy stuff. I didn't have to either.

    1. There's hasn't been a whole lot of nurse maiding necessary - just trying to keep him from doing things he shouldn't.

  9. hope the recovery is short and painless for him!! Got my Bothy Threads catalog yesterday as well. It's like a book isn't it? Neither have the money nor the time to make everything I would love to do in that catalog!!

    1. He had some pain the first couple of days but now he's just uncomfortable and I expect that will last for awhile longer.
      And yes, the Bothy Thread catalog was a complete surprise, and you're right - time and money are a definite factor!

  10. So glad everything went "according to plan!!!" Wish him well for me.

    1. Thank's Sue - I will pass along your well wishes.

  11. Glad to know all went well. I didn't get oxy as a pain killer when I had my surgery, but like Resident Chef I used Tylenol rather than the morphine they gave me. Hope he heals quickly.

    God bless.

    1. Morphine scares me too - they did give him a bit of that in the hospital before he came home but he wasn't happy to use that either. In fact he told the nurse he didn't want it and she kept insisting so he finally agreed.

  12. I agree with you. My friend had surgery recently and, sure enough, they prescribed oxy. It's completely insane.

    1. I don't understand it either. I wouldn't have bothered filling the presciption had I noticed what it was because I know DH wouldn't touch it. You would think maybe they'd prescribe Tylenol with codeine rather than oxy.

  13. It is great news all went well, I hope he heals quickly


    1. Thanks Catherine - it's going to be awhile before he's fully healed but he's getting there.

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Sherry of createology: So glad to hear Resident Chef is in good hands and recovering. When my husband was having his back pain and surgery the doctors really prescribed Oxy to the point of absurdity and Wayne wouldn’t take it either. So glad our husbands are smart to not get hooked on drugs!

    1. Yes, it seems we have smart husbands (mind you, I don't think their wives would be willing to give them oxy either, so there's that).

  15. I missed the post where the surgery was imminent, so now I'll just say I'm glad everything went well and that now you are getting the "opportunity" to go wild in the kitchen ;) Best wishes to the patient for a rapid recovery!

    1. Hah....opportunity? More like sheer torture!! I am reminded just how much I hate cooking.
      Thank you for the good wishes, I will pass them on to him.


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