A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, April 17, 2023

...and....I'm back!

 Did you miss me?

I hope you found things to do whilst I'm
being chief cook/nursemaid/and bottlewasher
here at Chez Magpie.

Thank you for all the messages and comments
wishing Resident Chef well - he 
appreciates them and so do I.
He's still in recovery mode but is
champing at the bit to get back to 
cooking - hmmm, perhaps he's 
afraid I'll poison him?

I was able to spend some time over the weekend working on the landscape and hopefully you can see some of the progress in this photo...

and, in case you can't see the design I used
on the border, perhaps this will help..

Now the embroidery starts!

- You might like to make one of THESE for carrying all sorts of things.

- You might want to play along with THIS - either on your own or taking part in the swap.

- I came across THIS and my immediate thought was...curtains!  I would love this in a kitchen window (if our kitchen HAD a window)

- THIS one is pretty 

- Of course THIS caught my eye (after all, you know how much I like denim!)

Your quote..."Find a man that ruins your lipstick, not your mascara"


  1. If you have a little bit of wall space in the kitchen, you can put up a faux window -- a picture of a window with view. Then curtain it. Now I pause to watch you staggering about laughing helplessly at the idea of a space in the kitchen..

    1. Well, I didn't stagger about laughing, but I DID snort! Our kitchen is teeny so no space for windows, faux or otherwise.

  2. Welcome Back!
    The progress I see is the barn appears more worked on. All looks good.
    The denim paper link is interesting. I can see lots of various holiday crafts it could be useful for.

    1. Thank you! The background has been quilted and today I'm working on something to add to the foreground...maybe it will work!

  3. Hi Maryanne glad your hubby is doing well . Oh your sceneries are so beautiful I look forward to watching you embroider this one,hope you have a lovely da6 🌹🤍🌹

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting time to embroider it.

  4. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Sherry of createology: Resident Chef is recovering nicely. Your landscape is progressing very well. I have seen Sam Elliots photo shown with this quote.

    1. Well, the 'recovering nicely' part is rather up in the air - he's developed an infection but hopefully we caught it in time.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Oh Dear! I hope the infection gets cleared up very soon. Prayers and Healing Energy for Resident Chef.

    3. Thank you - he's seeing the dr. again tomorrow so hopefully he'll get back on the road to recovery after that.

  5. Happy to hear you are able to do some more sewing and that DH is on the mend. Love the red stop border and your quilting looks so nice!! Hugs, Julierose

    1. Yes, my sanity hinges on getting some sewing time (and yes, I'm kidding, sort of)

  6. Well I guess there's only one thing to do....let the man cook!

    1. Nope, not for awhile yet. He's developed an infection (argh!)

  7. Love the border design. Everything in your landscape is looking really great. I am excited to see the embroidery.

    God bless.

    1. I'm wondering, when it comes to the embroidery, if what I think might work, might not. Jury is out on that one!

  8. By the time the chef is back in the kitchen, I am sure you will appreciate him even more. Hopefully, that will not be a long time in coming. But, I am sure you, too, are good in the kitchen, for you seem to be good in everything you do. Your landscape is already a wonderful piece. Your stitching is incredible.

    1. Awww - thank you! As for cooking, I can do it, but it's very plain and no frills. I'm managing to feed him but not in the manner he's accustomed to.

  9. That barn truly looks 3D. Continued good wishes for healing and helping.

    1. I'm happy with the barn so far. And thank you for the good wishes, I will pass them along.

  10. Elefantz has a card idea for me. I downloaded her packet.
    Yes, I do like the creative border on your piece this time. Different?
    Be careful and don't be such a good cook. He may want you to continue.

    1. Hah - I know there's not much danger that he'll want me to cook any longer than I have to!
      And yes, the border this time is different...thought I'd change it up a little.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you! I have a most excellent photographer to inspire me (smile)

  12. Welcome back Mary Anne! Love the progress on the latest landscape and look forward to the hand embroidery. Glad all is well there and hope that Resident Chef's recovery continues to go well. Christine xx

    1. Glad to get back into somewhat of a routine albeit one that's interrupted by things like dispensing meds and getting meals.

  13. Good news he is feeling better, Mike is a better cook than I am.
    Your quilt is lovely, I do like the border, very nice touch.
    Thank-you for the great links.


    1. He had a bit of a set-back with an infection but hopefully that's now being taken care of. He sees the surgeon again today so we'll see what he has to say.
      Unfortunately I'm not progressing very quickly on the landscape - playing nursemaid and chief cook cuts into my stitching time!

  14. Indeed, I see progress. And I like the colors in the border you've put on. It looks very nice with the red barn.

    1. The color of the small border is more rusty-orange than what shows in the photo I think. Not sure it was a wise choice in hindsight but it is what it is because I'm not changing it now!


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.