A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

FIVE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have ever thought I would make it to 500 posts! Five.....hundred....times....I've written drivel here for all the world to see. AND there are a few people who actually read what I write, which is even more amazing to me. Thank you so very much for your loyalty, your comments and spending time with me. I never would have believed I could have developed such a wonderful group of cyber-friends and I treasure each and every one of you.

So...on to something special to celebrate! I have a goodie bag here full of treasures of varying types just waiting to go to a new home. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and you will be entered in the draw. My DH will do the draw on March 10th and I will post the winner here. Good luck and can't wait to see who wins! Remember, no comment = no entry!!

Oh yes, picture today is of the finished bears who are now residing at their new home and I have a nice cheque residing in my wallet!


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Congrats on your 500th!!
    Even the lovely bears you made look astonished!

  2. Congratulations MA and to be honest with you I really enjoy the drivel as it all makes sense to me--so what does that say about me?

  3. Happy Dance!
    Is that silk brocade on the curly lamb bears ears and paws?

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    OMG...500...that is amazing! Looking forward to the next 500! I like your special brand of drivel!
    Bears look fabulous! Too bad ya have to give 'em up!

  5. Love those purple leafy hoofies :}
    And happy happy bloggaversary!

  6. errr, pawsies that would be, pawsies not hoofies :}

  7. Surely you mis-counted *S* It can't possibly be 500!

    I, for one, will be avidly reading the next hundred too....

  8. Anonymous6:50 PM

    so how do we influence your DH to draw our name?

  9. that coat looks absolutely lovely and cuddly as bears :-)

  10. Very cute bears, are they both for the same person? I love the contrast paws too, it's all in the detail !! Happy Bloggaversary to you, Happy Bloggaversary to you! Be VERY glad this post doesn't have sound !!
    Christine in autumnal Sydney Australia

  11. hi maryanne, well done in your 500 blog and it wasn,t all mumbling either. great job on the bears someone is lucky to get them. thanks for the iron tranfers maryanne i,m using them i got to sets of pillowcases copied, i will return them soon. thanks again great job.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.