A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, March 07, 2025

Hmmmm....mumblings anyone?

 My landscape is at a stage where I can't get a picture of knitting is in crocheting is the same.  So, you know what that means, don't you?.....

- There's a number of great tips HERE for quilters.

- HERE is a great use for some orphan blocks.

- THIS falls under the information you never thought you ever needed to know (and, truthfully, most likely still don't)

- Do you remember making THESE?

- If we ever see the sun again, perhaps you might like to have a play with THIS technique.

- THIS is cute!

- Cross stitchers might find THIS of use.

- There are some fun ideas HERE to use antique pieces of hardware.

Today's quote is from Miles K. Davis..."You can tell a bully from a leader by how they treat people who disagree with them"

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

A little bit of knitting

 This hat came off my needles and I think from now on it will be my go-to pattern for kids hats....

The pattern is THIS one and is available in sizes from 2 -12 years.  I used stash yarn.  

- THIS would be a cute Easter project.

- There are links HERE to lots of stuffed toy patterns.

- For those of you here in Canada (or if you want to show us some support) check out THIS pattern.  Some of these will be going in my Christmas box eventually.

- THIS is a great tutorial for making an easy dress.

Today's quote is from Michael C. Clarke..."Negativity is contagious.  Unhappiness is contagious.  Fear is contagious.  But so is happiness.  So is optimism.  So is love.  Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and strive to be a reflection of what you want to receive"

Monday, March 03, 2025


 There's been some progress on the latest landscape as you can see from this...

Please excuse the basting threads
(forgot to take a photo before I added them)

I need to keep busy creating to take my mind off the state of the world.  Sometimes even immersing myself with fabric, needles and threads isn't enough.

- THIS looks like a fun project and a great use for an old book.

- I don't know how many of you were following my mumblings a couple of years ago when I cross stitched a series of Christmas ornaments, but it's been suggested that I link once again to the pattern designer who lives in the Ukraine.  We need to support artists there if we can, so I can recommend THIS shop.  If you don't see anything there you like, expand your search for other Ukrainian designers.  If you want to see the ornaments I made, check the 'cross stitch' label in my sidebar.

- There are lots of cute quilt block ideas HERE.

Today's quote is from Jimmy Carter..."A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful and restrained.  It can afford to extend a helping hand to others.  It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity"

Friday, February 28, 2025

Shopping ban and a beginning

 A public service reminder!  Go HERE to read more and take part.

Several years ago on one of our trips out to BC to visit our family we went to an apple orchard and I took this picture...

I've wanted to attempt to recreate it in fabric but wasn't quite sure how to do the pumpkins.  Lucky me to find a piece of preprinted ones at our local quilt guild member's sale last month so now it's full steam ahead.  This is how far I've gotten...

- Have a peek at the wonderful eye candy found HERE!

- And take a look at the amazing creations of THIS artist!

- THIS is a nice project bag that would be fun to make.

Today your quote is from Nania Hoffman..."You will never regret the times you stopped to listen to a loved one, or put down your phone to be present, or paused to notice something beautiful, or made an effort to be kind.  This is the good stuff. Don't miss it."

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Puncture marks

 UPDATED TO ADD:  Please go and read THIS and consider taking part!  Hit big business where it hurts.  The power lies in OUR hands!


Yes, I have puncture marks on my fingers from cross stitching these bookmarks but the pain is worth the gain!  I'm happy with how they turned out and now into the Christmas box they go.

- For those who swear at removing foundation papers for paper piecing, have a look at THIS brilliant tutorial!

- THIS is a nifty little idea for a quick project.

- HERE is another great idea for those of you who enjoy making junk journals.

Today the quote is from Thomas Sowell..."It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance"

Monday, February 24, 2025

A little bit of bubble, bubble, toil and trouble?

 Today I'm giving you the quote first and it  comes via Jocelyn and is attributed to Brenda and the Serial Starter via THIS video...."Some day needs to be now".  Take some time to think about that one.  How many of us are saving 'special' fabrics or yarns (or anything else, really) for 'some day'.  Some day when we're better at what we do, some day when a perfect project comes along, some day when our skills are good enough.  What if that some day never comes and you never got to use that wonderful 'thing' that you wanted so badly?  Will it be appreciated by the next generation or simply tossed aside as just something Mom collected.  I, myself, have a bad habit of hoarding special threads that are just taking up space in my stash.  So, folks....USE that special thing and love the using because you deserve it.  

I'm still cross stitching the second bookmark so nothing exciting to show you there.  Over the weekend I put on a cauldron of water and avocado pits and tried dyeing some fabric and this was the result...

No clue what I'm going to do with it now, but it was a fun play anyway.

- THIS might be a fun little project you could do for Easter.

- Finally!  A good use for vodka HERE.

- Sometimes an idea pops into my feed and I wonder whyever I didn't think of it.  THIS is one of those things!  I don't wear an apron but I know people who do and this is something they might appreciate.

- If you like cats, perhaps you'd like to make THIS.

- HERE is another great use for scraps!

Friday, February 21, 2025

A change of gears

 This will be something else that will be destined for the Christmas box.  I thought I'd give THIS pattern a try and make a couple bookmarks.  I have one stitched and hope to do another before I start putting them together.

- THIS is a sweet design that would be perfect for a baby quilt.  

- I'm thinking I might make a couple of THESE to add to the Christmas box.  

- THIS might be good information to have on hand.

- There's lots of fun eye candy HERE.

- There might be some ideas HERE that you would like to try.

- If you're looking for a cute project to make for Easter, perhaps THIS little guy would be perfect.

Today the quote is from Albert Einstein...."Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth"

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Answering a question (I hope)

 I had a question regarding how I add crochet to the fabric squares for quilt fusion quilts so I thought I'd try to answer it here.  Hopefully this poorly drawn diagram might help...

It's almost impossible to get 'holes' into the layers of fabric to anchor the crochet so I begin by machine stitching about 1/4" around the outside edge of the block.  That ensures the block stays nice and flat and also serves as a guideline so my stitches are even.  I  then  use pearl cotton (or sometimes crochet cotton, depending on the colour I need) and stitch a row of buttonhole (also called blanket) stitch around each square, making 3 stitches on each corner.  Then I switch to yarn and use those buttonhole stitches as a base to do a row of single crochets around (remember to do extra stitches in each corner).  Once that's done I go ahead and do whatever pattern I like for a couple rows before I attach it to to the next block.  Hope that helps!

My stitching time over the past couple of days has involved a whole bunch of cross stitching and I hope I'll be able to show you the more or less finished project next time.

- Thank you to Dolores for THIS amazing link.  I would suggest you make a pot of coffee AND find some bread crumbs before you visit!

- THIS would be cute for Easter.

- And THIS would be nice to have on display to welcome spring. And so would THIS.

- For some reason I thought THESE were charming and would look so pretty during these dull winter days.

This quote is from J. Prince..."There are two things we get every day when we wake up, a chance and a choice"

Monday, February 17, 2025

Another addition for dare I say it...?

 Yes, here's another item that's heading for the Christmas box.  It's the Agnes Divided Pouch found HERE.  I know it's a 'pay' pattern but I thought it was nice enough to warrant it.  There might be more if my stash yields any appropriate fabrics that marry up with the zippers I have on hand.  I won't be buying fabric for these which will offset the price for the pattern itself.

It's hard to tell from this photo (go to the link to see more details) but there are pockets on the outside of the pouch as well as some inside.

- I thought THIS was pretty, depending on the fabric you use.

- THIS would be cute to make for spring.

- There's some good information HERE for quilters.

- THIS made me smile!

- THIS is an easy project that most anybody can do.

Today's quote...

Friday, February 14, 2025

A service announcement and an update

 First of all, for those Canadians who read this blog and are searching for Canadian made products, check out THIS link.  As far as I know, all their products are made here.  I buy their hand sanitizer all the time and plan to branch out into some of their other products as we need replacements.

There has been some progress on the landscape, namely the embroidered 'grasses' in front of the tractor, the addition of the birds and the little fox, and some snowflakes.   DONE!!!



Based on this photo by Dale Stewart,
and used with his always kind permission...

And here are a couple closeups so you can see the details...

Sorry about the glare on this one but I hoped to show you the picture frame.  Hopefully clicking to embiggen will help?!

- I thought THESE were cute ideas for a really quick gift for someone.  

- I love denim so of course THIS caught my eye.

- THESE are just too cute for words!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A little bit of hand stitching and hand rubbing

 Not much stitching happening over the past couple of days.  My hands are giving me grief so I thought it was best to coddle them a bit.  Yesterday we went to our favourite 'occasion' restaurant (The Keg) for an early Valentine's dinner.  We never like going out on the actual day so an early treat works for us. pictures for you today, sorry!

- THIS is a pretty design and there's a hat also available.

- You might find one of THESE tips handy (literally...hah)

- THIS is a sweet little quick thing you could make for a special Valentine.  And THESE too.

- There are some good tips HERE too.

- Updated to add:  Check THIS out for a sweet little Valentine's design!

Today's quote is from Raymond Williams..."To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing"

Monday, February 10, 2025

Yep...sore fingers notwithstanding...

First of all, thank you to all those who checked out my landscape half-price sale, those who enquired, and those who purchased.  Your interest is much appreciated!

The unpicking is over (and my fingers are most grateful for that!).  This is the end result for the sky area of the landscape...

If you click on the photo, you should be able to embiggen it to see the stitching more clearly.

Next up for my evening project is to make THIS.  I'm using yarn I have in my stash so it will be black which isn't the easiest to crochet with but I will persevere.  It's not a thing of beauty but it's going to keep my arthritic shoulder warm I think.

- HERE is a handy bag that you might find yourself needing to make.

- THIS is a great use for yarn 'bits' you might have.  I think it would be a good way to keep using up the bits as you create them so that you end up with a blanket without having to spend hours making it.  The time would be the same but spread out would make it feel like less!

- I thought THIS post was a worth-while read and certainly something to keep in mind during these uncertain times.  I think there's more on her blog that is worth investigating too.

Friday, February 07, 2025

pick, pick, pick.....

 Yes, I'm doing a lot of picking (or unpicking, however you want to look at it) as I try to remove the waste canvas I used to stitch the sky on the landscape.  I wanted to do a sashiko technique so the canvas was necessary to get the stitches even.  I think I regret that particular decision, but too late now!

Sorry about the terrible picture.  It's snowing here - again - and the light is awful.

- THIS is a really amazing quilted heart design - perhaps a little late for this Valentine's Day, but something to keep in mind.

- I thought THIS was interesting (you'll have to scroll down to read the entire article).

- THIS is beautiful!  I don't have a mantel but there are lots of other uses for it.

- I like THIS too - another great gift idea perhaps.


             Don't forget the half-price sale on landscapes is ending today!

If you're interested in getting a good deal on one of my pieces of art, please have a peek at what I currently have available HERE.  If you're interested, drop me a note (with 'Landscape' in the subject line) to marmic1954 AT hotmail DOT com.  Prices will be in Canadian dollars and must include shipping. Payment will be through PayPal.


Today's quote..."Save your explanations for those that are determined to understand you.  Give your silence to those that are determined to misunderstand you"

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Lots of hand stitching but nothing to show for it

Just so I have something to show you today, how about a close-up of the snow area on the current landscape?  Currently I'm working on the sky and it's entirely done by hand using waste canvas.  There will be lots of unpicking of canvas threads coming up!  It's not fit to show you yet though. 

            Just a reminder of the 'Starving Artist  half-price sale'
            on landscapes that's happening until Feb. 7th.
            Go HERE to see what's available!

- Those of you who are knitters might appreciate having a copy of THIS handy.

- Perhaps you might like to make THIS?

- You know those silicone 'pads' you can get to set your hot iron on?  Try using one under your sewing machine food pedal so it doesn't keep walking away.  I can attest that it works!

- HERE is another nifty little thing that will be helpful around your sewing machine.

Today's quote is from Helen Keller..."Your success and happiness lies in you.  Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties"

Monday, February 03, 2025

Dare I say it?

 This set is destined for the 2025 Christmas box (should I duck and run after saying that??)...

The hat pattern is THIS one (I purchased the one that has multiple sizes - 0-3 months up to Adult Large) and the mitten pattern is in the Paton's booklet "Next Steps Seven".  Yarn is Vanna's Choice.


Just a reminder of the 'Starving Artist  half-price sale'
on landscapes that's happening until Feb. 7th.
Go HERE to see what's available!


- I need to be reminded of how to do THIS so thought perhaps some of you might as well.

- THIS looks like a nice bag tutorial.

- There's a really good article HERE for making a jacket out of a recycled quilt.

- Julierose posted a brilliant idea for using papers (phone book pages, actually!) in her piecing.  Maybe it's common knowledge but it's the first time I've heard of it!  Read her post HERE.

Today's quote..."My desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane"

A note regarding the political situation happening south of us and spilling over into the rest of the world....I intend to keep this blog as free from politics and the general fear that's going on right now as I can.  I feel that it's important that there are places we can go that are safe from the strife and, although I feel strongly about what's going on, I will try to stay away from dwelling on it here.  Suffice to say, RC and I will be buying Canadian as much as possible from now on, maybe not a huge help but something we, as individuals, can do.  I will be changing my 'sign off' graphics to not only reflect my support for the Ukraine but also a Canadian Flag in support of my own country.