A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Being social equals....

 Yes, a number of things on my calendar this week means there's been little time spent being creative.  I had the second hat well underway and ended up frogging it back to the brim to start over (how can I not remember to utilize ALL my fingers and toes when I'm counting I ask you?). pictures to share.  Sorry!

- THIS is a fun thing to create for your Christmas decor.

- THESE would be fun too.  And so would THESE.

- One of THESE would make a fun gift or an addition to your own decor.

- I know several people who would appreciate receiving one of THESE.

- Lots of fun ideas HERE too.  And HERE.

- If you need a gift for a man in your life, how about one of THESE?

- I definitely would love THESE in my stocking!  Or some of THESE!

- THESE look yummy!

Today's quote is from Tom Baker..."Some Christmas tree ornaments do a lot more than glitter and glow, they represent a gift of love given a long time ago"


  1. I'm glad you included seasonal recipes this time! Food is always good. I'm going to make lemon curd using an easy recipe from Marion's World, in her advent series.

    1. I remember my mother making lemon curd. She lost her sense of taste and smell in a car accident and she said that lemon curd was something she could taste a little bit. Haven't had it for years.

  2. Sorry, you had to redo the hat. This time of year, it's hard to keep count.

    1. T'was my own fault so I couldn't complain too much. All fixed now and hat is done.

  3. Sometimes social commitments take up crafting time.... I might have a few next week and will need to check my day planner and calendar very soon.

    God bless.

    1. I try to have all my Christmas 'makings' done by the end of November so I have room for social things in December. Doesn't always work out but at least I try.

  4. WOW--lots of fun linkies to make!! Thanks for researching and sharing these--hugs, Julierose

    1. I have fun searching for things to share (makes good use of my time that I'm sitting in front of my 'happy light'). Glad you enjoy them!

  5. Merry Christmas MA to You and your Family: Thank-you for the fun links, so sorry you had to frog part of the hat.


    1. Frogging the hat has taught me to pay better attention to the number of stitches (at least for as long as I remember!).

  6. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Sherry of createology: Love this quote as it is perfect for those of us who cherish homemade ornaments. Wonderful links dear. Thank you and enjoy your few days til Christmas.

    1. Yes, Christmas is getting closer isn't it. Pretty soon it will be all over and we'll wonder what all the hype was about.

  7. Never fun having to redo a project. Glad you figured it out and the hat is done! Thanks for the links. Those tiny house ornaments are adorable, and those biscotti's look sooo yummy.

    1. I'm glad too - you're right it's not fun to have to redo something but better to make it right. Also glad you enjoyed the links.

  8. So many great links, Mary Anne. Lots of wonderful new ideas I hadn't seen before.

    1. I have such fun searching out links that I hope people will enjoy. Glad you found some ideas!


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