Oh yes, it's a yawn a minute here at Chez Magpie where The Quilt is all-consuming it seems. I've added the second corner and it's basted and hand stitching has begun. See?....
I dunno about you but I do hate the silly time change thing. It messes with so many people and serves absolutely no purpose any longer. I know it did, back in war time, but now it's just plain a PIA.
And speaking of PIA's - I spent some time over the weekend perusing online bookstores looking at books on making landscapes thinking I might add to my library. Interestingly (or not so much, depending on your viewpoint of course) the books that are out there are mostly second hand (which is fine with me) but....and here's the thing....they're mostly pretty cheap anywhere in the world BUT here. You can pretty much add $20 per book to the cost AND, oh, by the way, there's shipping on top of that - sometimes upwards of another $20 per book. Needless to say my desire to add to my library was rapidly tamped down! Gotta love living in Canada!
And further on that particular subject, it's always astounding to me just how many online shops specify in no uncertain terms that they will NOT ship to Canada. What's the matter with us? Do we have a collective nation with body odor?
There. The soapbox is dusted.
And, never let it be said that this blog is anything but eclectic as this little frugal tip will attest. Resident Chef was quite pleased with himself when he attempted to re-use some inner milk bags with his food sealer and discovered they work perfectly. Will save on buying the smaller size refills for the Food Saver. Thought I'd share in case any of you want to give it a try.
- Thanks to Canadian Needle Nana for the link to THIS pretty design.
- There's lots of ideas HERE for reusing denim.
- No instructions or info on who made it, but I thought THIS looks like a fun idea for a sewing room.
The quote of the day is the 5W's of Life: WHO you are is what makes you special. Do not change for anyone. WHAT lies ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid to explore. WHEN life pushes you over, push back harder. WHERE there are choices to make, make the one you won't regret. WHY things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward.