Do you see the number counting up to 24? That means I'm nearing the end of this particular cross stitch marathon. I will have to stop at 23 though - at least until I know what the baby's name will be and I can do her initial.
Over the weekend we decided that we would bite the proverbial bullet (or bank account!) and order a new mattress. Not at all sure about the mattress-in-a-box thing but we'll see. Right now we're simply not comfortable going and doing the in-person thing in stores so this is the next best that's available. Oddly, when I did a 'google' and researched the best mattresses for side sleepers the various sites didn't so much as mention the old standbys and instead, to a one, they recommended those that come in a box. That came as a bit of a surprise. The deciding factor was that we found one that's made in Canada. Now I suppose I should do the smart thing and get a new pillow too. I've been using the same water pillow for well over ten years and I know it's probably overdue to spring a leak and it wouldn't be nice if that were to happen on the brand new mattress. Next up in the process will be trying to figure how to man/woman-handle the old heavy unwieldy mattress out for pick up. I'm all for throwing it over the balcony but Resident Chef is afraid that would be the very moment somebody would choose to walk beneath. Would give a whole new meaning to the sky is falling I'm sure!