A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, January 18, 2019

A narrow escape (for now) and finality

Yesterday I had to go to the dentist - not something that's high on my list of things I want to do, but this time I was dragging my heels even more than usual.  I was scheduled to have a tooth removed, which isn't something anyone looks forward to.  The dentist, upon further perusal of my x-rays, couldn't see any issues with the tooth and he was concerned that I might have something called 'pain transference' (which means the pain is coming from somewhere else and not where it seems to be manifesting itself).  I came home with my tooth intact and we have adopted a 'wait and see' approach.  I know it's postponing the inevitable, but I'm enough of a wuss that I'm perfectly happy to put it off.

Today I will share the final project made from that piece of quilt I had in my stash.  I decided I would make a table runner that also featured some hunks of old doilies for additional interest.  That particular decision served a dual purpose - it not only used up the rest of the quilt, but also led to a reduction in the amount of lace I had.  Sort of a win/win!  
Before you look at the pictures, I have to tell you
that it's nigh onto impossible to get a decent
picture of a table runner!  
The edges, I assure you, are NOT
wavy, as they appear here!

The end.
No more quilt!!!

Today your quote is from Ann Landers...."Blessed are they who hold lively conversations with the helplessly mute, for they shall be called dentists"


  1. About the tooth: I've gone in more than once with raging pain in my jaw, dentist said it was sinus, showing up as toothache! Go home, take decongestants, etc, it's not dental. Sounds similar to your situation. Let's hope you get the same outcome. That is, pain all went away, teeth all fine.

    1. Mine could well be sinuses too, but I don't think so. I'm pretty sure there's a crack in the tooth but time will tell. Could also be my wisdom tooth - or another tooth altogether. At least we have a dentist that doesn't tear ahead and do something without being sure.

  2. Your lace table runner and pillows, from previous post, are lovely, clever idea!
    And the amaryllis is striking!
    Thanks for the tips, I like that little zipper card pouch, useful and cute.

    1. I like the little pouch too Janie - and might just make a few. Have to lay in a supply of zippers first though!

  3. Hi Maryanne hope the tooth problem sorts out soon for you,not much fun with an aching mouth. Beautiful work my friend,well done,hope you have a wonderful day xx

    1. I just have to remember not to chew on that side and it's okay. No worries - it's a long way from my heart!

  4. A dentist with an opportunity to extract a $oo$h and doesn't is amazing!
    I've been told about that pain thing by my dentist. My situation is sinus issues, pressure on gums, teeth from allergy flare ups.
    Prayers your issue is solved

    1. It was indeed amazing. Our previous dentist would have hit me with all sorts of costs (he's the one that told me several years ago that I needed two root canals to the tune of over a thousand dollars each, but when we went to the new dentist he was astounded and said there's no way I needed them....makes one wonder!). My problem could be sinus related too, but I don't think so. If it was my top teeth maybe, but this is on the bottom.

  5. I hate going to the dentist, as much for how costly they are as to the pain they seem to induce. Love your table runner. You will have no more pretties left to sew with very soon. =)

    1. I don't think there's too many people who like going to a least I don't know of anyone! As for not having anything left to sew with - methinks I can spend a couple more decades yet!!

  6. LOL I H.A.T.E. going to the dentist so I am totally with you in being quite happy to postpone any procedure. Hopefully it ends up being nothing! My goodness you milked that quilt for all it was worth -- amazing! I LOVE those wire hearts in that link . . . if we weren't having a snowstorm, I'd probably run out and get me some wire!

    1. I don't know of anyone who likes going to the dentist! I like my dentist, but I don't like going to him (if that makes any sense!). I'm happy to say the quilt is used up and is no longer cluttering up my stash. Sorry you're being snowed upon - hope it doesn't cause too many problems (beyond not being able to go out for wire!).

  7. Sorry to hear about your tooth issue. Nothing worse. Great links today. Loved the cat bag :)

    1. Thanks - for now I will happily keep the status quo, because I certainly wasn't looking forward to dealing with an extraction. I like the cat bag too!

  8. I too, struggled for two years with an upper tooth that hurt. xrays showed a little dark area. But as time wore on, we all realized it needed to be pulled. Yeah for that.relief came soon afterwards. hugs! Love this new table runner!

    1. Nothing whatsoever is showing on either of the x-rays so who knows. The dentist thinks it might be a hairline crack that isn't showing up. At the moment it only hurts if I forget and chew on that side and sometimes, if I do forget, it aches a little. Not what I would call real pain though.

  9. I totally agree with you - wait and see, and if it doesnt have to come out - keep it in there!!! I had my first tooth out at the end of last year. Horrid! It didn't help and became a dry socket - pain, pain, pain........never again........ha......

    1. Ooooh boy - that would be awful Karen!! One more reason for me to be happy with the decision the dentist and I made. I can put up with an ache, but pain like that I can live without.

  10. Imagine that, a dentist that didn't take the opportunity to work on you! Keep him.

    1. I definitely intend to keep him! Our previous dentist told me I needed two root canals and when we switched the new guy said I most definitely didn't. One wonders if the first one was just out to make as much money as he could and performing unnecessary procedures. Scary thought!

  11. I hate going to the dentist too Mary Anne. I would most definitely have been happy to 'wait and see'!! I hope the problem just goes away!! Love this final quilt project! Really pretty! Christine xx

    1. Dentists have to be the most hated people in the world! I don't have a problem with waiting to see what happens, that's for sure!

  12. Wgat a great way to use doilies!

    1. Doilies AND a quilt hunk - works for me! Anything I can do to reduce my stash makes me happy.

  13. Oh thank goodness for your reprieve! You have such a perfect quote too! Love this table runner and I also see it would be lovely at the foot of your bed with the pillows to match. No more cutter quilt...kind of sad since you were so prolific with projects made from it. <3

    1. Hmmmm - foot of the bed is a good idea! Unfortunately our bed is up on stilts (so we can fit books under there - I know, we need help) so any type of runner I put there has to be almost the size of twin cover. We've complicated everything by also having an extra-long mattress so regular covers are simply too short.

  14. I'd be happy with that dentist decision as well! I've been postponing about $1200 worth of dentist appointment for several months now. If I was having a lot of pain, I'd have to throw in the towel, because I have enough chronic pain to deal with that I am a wimp about tolerating any pain that can be rectified. But til then? Brush and floss and hope the dentist's office doesn't call to "remind" me that I was supposed to make a follow-up appointment after my most recent cleaning...

    1. I'd be running straight back to have the tooth dealt with if I were in a lot of pain, but it's mostly just a dull ache and nothing too bothersome most of the time. Nothing that the odd Advil won't take care of. Until it gets worse (or identifies itself beyond a shadow of a doubt) I'm quite happy with keeping the status quo.

  15. I'm not a fan of going to the dentist. However, I did go last week as a filling fell out of the back of front tooth. Tongue kept rubbing it. I opted for no pain killer as it was at the very base of the tooth. NO pain and fixed in no time! Re the links: favorite is the zipper pouch. Thanks

    1. I don't know of anyone who is a fan of going to the dentist, but I guess they're a necessary evil. Glad you had no pain!

  16. Sorry about your tooth issues and I HOPE they go away. I really don't like cha-ching at the Dentisits office, but sometimes it's unavoidable... but hey ...I love yaour doily project... Love recyling vintage items... Thanks for the valentine blog ideas..Hugs

    1. I hope they go away too Zaa, but will have to wait and see. Keep hoping it's just my sinuses, but I don't think so. Glad you like the doily project - it was fun to use up the rest of that quilt and some of the inherited doilies I've had in my stash for forever.

  17. I like my dentist but I don't like having dental work. I hope things stay status quo with your tooth. Those doilies look fantastic on the runner.

    1. I like our dentist too - he's a really nice man. Just don't happen to like what he does!

  18. nigh on impossible to photograph white too so you have done remarkably well here.

    1. Still not sure about this particular thing - don't know if I like it, or if I will chop it up further and make it into something else. The jury is deliberating!!


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