Studio Indulgences is the topic for Studio Friday this week. "What can't you live without in your studio?". I have two things I would be lost without...my Janome sewing machine that I absolutely love and use practically on a daily basis, and my computer (which I didn't bother to take a picture of because you all know what they look like!). This sewing machine is by no means a fancy machine - more of a work horse actually. I bought it because it sews denim (many layers!) beautifully. It also has a small series of fancier stitches, which is all I need because I prefer hand embroidery anyway.
Today we were inspired to do a 'clean sweep' of Christmas decorations we no longer love/need/use and have managed to put aside 5 boxes of 'stuff' heading toward the thrift store. You know, the idea that you see on the TV show (Clean Sweep) works! Pick something up and immediately make a decision as to keep, toss, or donate...do not take time to think about it too much. I got rid of things I know I would have kept had I given too much thought to (most would have been kept out of guilt). Ahhh. It feels good! Not only that, but there might be some room in the storage cupboard...woohoo!
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