A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Some days are just like that

 Yesterday was a dud when it came to getting any stitching done.  Instead we spent much of the morning slugging boxes, furniture and detritus from one spot to another (and this morning, we slugged them back again).  Reason, you ask? (and I know you were asking....ahem)  Well, the carpet cleaners came to deal with our grungy carpet (most especially the site of the Grande Liquid Laundry Soap Spill of 2021).  That meant everything that could be moved, had to be - and away from the carpeted areas.  Take into consideration that the ONLY parts of our apartment that aren't carpet are the bathroom, kitchen and the front hallway (that wasn't useable for storage because, you know...they had to get in and out?).  So there were piles in Resident Chef's kitchen and had anyone pulled back the shower curtain in the bathroom they would have been horrified to see the stacks of bins and boxes piled in the tub.  No pictures - I'll spare you the horror of the sight.  

Two young men (fresh out of grade school,  I swear) arrived and cheerfully tackled the job, leaving behind a MUCH cleaner looking carpet and a much lighter bank account.  Oh well, at least the GLLSS2021 is no more, so it was worth it.  Once that was over, we vacated the premises to let it dry and managed (how, I can't even begin to imagine) to succumb to the valiant efforts of our car to just happen to drive by the ice cream manufacturing plant.  What's worse, I can't understand how a double-scoop, two-flavoured, waffle cone managed to jump into our hands.  What were we to do?  It was dripping all over so the only thing left was to eat it.  We are nothing if not obedient to the circumstances.  

Today's quote is from Mae West.."I generally avoid temptation.  Unless I can't resist it"


  1. Absolutely astonishing quilts from jeans!! Hard to believe you could even do that!! Thank you for sharing the link to her site...
    Just beautiful works...
    And doesn't everyone look like they are just out of grade school these days? From police to doctors even...I guess it all depends on your perspective (or just gettin' olde!!) .
    Hugs from hot hot hot CT...hoping for a nice cold front to sweep this humid weather away... Julierose

    1. Aren't those jean quilts amazing? There was a day when I would love to try something like that, but my hands don't like working with heavy fabrics anymore - to say nothing about the studio space I'd need to store enough denims to draw on!

  2. I'm glad you survived. It's such an impossible task to move everything in a place with no elsewhere.

    1. Good thing we have the bathtub! I won't mention that the pile of 'stuff' reached nearly to the ceiling....

  3. You deserved that ice cream!

    1. Well, I'm not so sure we deserved it, but it came down to wanting it! Now to deal with the increase in the waistline that's bound to follow.

  4. I was exhausted just reading about your ordeal. But you have a way with words, and I chuckled as I read your descriptions. I'm getting ready to have a bowl of ice cream in your honor. Cheers! Enjoy your clean carpet and unpacking the place. ;^)

    1. I don't think I've ever known anybody to have a bowl of ice cream in my honour - and I'm flattered. Better on your hips than mine (hee hee).

  5. Hello again, MA, thinking about you getting out to allow the carpet to dry just reminds me that OH and I are in quarantine. But we'll be free after next Tuesday! :-)
    Your linkies, again are great, and, as always, I have found yet more things that I would love to attempt, and my list is getting longer and longer. Some people are just so talented - the denim quilts are beyond imagination - how long must it have taken to do those? Mind-boggling. The pincushions, too. just so adorable.
    Ha, Julierose is so right, when we see the policemen as school-leavers, we know that is must be down to our age, not theirs!!
    Thanks, MA, for another great post, and linkies!
    Val (UK)

    1. So sorry you're in quarantine again. Here it is slowly lifting - some would argue too slowly, but we're happy to take it slowly.
      Glad you found something of interest in the linkies!

  6. Thanks for introducing me to Golden Lucy Crafts. The cutest!

    1. Glad you found something you like in the linkies!!

  7. Thankfully those waffle cones had good aim!

    1. Luckily for us the factory is about an hour away and we rarely have occasion to drive in that direction.


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