A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Mumblings Catch Up

I'm sorry I was missing on Wednesday - I was busy all day and simply didn't have time to create a post for you.  Unfortunately the rest of the week has been spend outside of my creative zone so I STILL don't have anything much to share.  

AND - just so I can have some sort of picture to show, how about a slightly risque cartoon?  Sorry if this offends anyone!! 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Another wee thing

Over the weekend I made a few of these little fellows which might end up being my ornament series for this year.  For those of you who don't know every year I make about twenty ornaments which are then used as either a 'bow' on a parcel or are given as little gifts in and of themselves.  The design is by Kathy Shaw and I'm testing it for publication in the spring issue of the 'Crazy Quilt Quarterly' magazine. 

Another anonymous quote..."Nothing annoys me more than when someone expects you to be okay with something that they wouldn't be okay with if you did it"

Friday, September 21, 2018

A little something

Quite literally, it's a 'little' something!  This little fellow (measuring about 6" tall) is something I knitted for our littlest 'grand' out of some scrap yarn I had left over from his Paw Patrol sweater.

The pattern is 'Little Kindness Monster' by Rachel Borello Carroll and can be found on Ravelry.  I altered it slightly and crocheted his arms and legs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


The latest barn is done!  


Now I'm itching to start another one but I have a couple of other things that I need to do for the 'Crazy Quilt Quarterly' magazine so I will have to change gears a bit.  Never fear, there are more barns just waiting their turn!

Your quote..."Refuse to please others at the expense of your emotional well-being.  Even if it means saying 'no' to people who are used to hearing 'yes'.  

Monday, September 17, 2018


Here is some proof that something else other than working on barns happens here at Chez Magpie...

Our littlest 'grand' is currently in like with Paw Patrol and his favourite character happens to be 'Chase'.  I stumbled across this pattern and of course it had his name on it in glowing neon so what's a grandma to do?  The pattern is HERE  (there are several other characters that come with the pattern) and I used Paton's Astra yarn.  If you embiggen the picture hopefully you can see the amazing buttons I found - they came all the way from Ireland! 

(just realized that you can't embiggen the picture, so here's a better one of the buttons)

Another anonymous quote..."Just because some people are fueled by drama doesn't mean you have to attend the performance"

Friday, September 14, 2018

A little bit more

There has been some progress on the latest barn, albeit not much.  It's about ready to start quilting now - no doubt you will notice the basting threads!

This is a quote from Mother Teresa..."I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples"

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

For lack of anything better

The past couple of days have been rather dismal on the stitching front so rather than show you my lack of progress on my barn I thought I'd show you what I DID do (and never let it be said that there is any lack of stimulation here at Chez Magpie!!).

This pile of fabrics began life as men's shirts (mostly - the leaf patterned one was a ladies blouse).  I've discovered that finding various shades of fabrics that are fodder for landscape quilts is an expensive proposition if you look in fabric shops.  All of these were scored at thrift shops for very little in the way of cost and all I needed to do was spend an hour or so cutting them apart.  A couple of these have marvelous texture too (the gold one is very fine corduroy).  I don't worry overly much about fabric content because these are well washed before I use them and it's doubtful that any of my barns will ever be washed later on.  
Now....if someone could come and help me
figure out WHERE I'm going to store all
these in an already bulging sewing room
I'd sure appreciate it!

Another anonymous quote..."Sometimes when you're in a dark place, you think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted"

Monday, September 10, 2018

Progress on a rainy day

First of all, thank you so much for all the happy anniversary wishes for Jack and I.  We had a lovely weekend - two meals 'out' on Saturday  and a relaxing day on Sunday.  Perfect way to celebrate!

I managed to do a little more on the latest barn...added the fence posts, the birch tree, and a shrub on the right.  Both the tree and the shrub need more work before I will be happy with them.

Sorry about the color in the photo -it's dull and
rainy here so the light isn't good.

- I don't often share anything of this nature on my blog, but I'm going to make an exception for THIS.  Depression still often bears the stigma of being a taboo subject - something to be hidden, something to be ashamed of.  Yes, this particular post I've shared discusses it from the standpoint of postpartum, but the symptoms are the same.  I have read a lot on the subject and have to say that what was written here is remarkable and one of the best things I've read.  I know personally how debilitating this disease is - I know what it's like to live with it - I know what a family goes through - I know the denial, the refusal to believe and the shame.  I know all too well and if, by my sharing this (and perhaps you also sharing), it helps someone then I am happy.  Don't wait to seek help and don't be ashamed.

Today the quote is from Maya Angelou..."Hate: It has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet"

Saturday, September 08, 2018

39 years ago....

This man committed
the ultimate sacrifice and
married me...

I love you Jack

Friday, September 07, 2018

Progress....and risk

There has been some more progress on the barn building front, as you can see from this picture...

At the risk of breaking your computer, I thought I'd share a picture of moi taken by my long-suffering husband for inclusion in an article I'm writing for an online quilting magazine.  Don't say you weren't warned!!

Today's quote..."No is a complete sentence.  It does not require justification or explanation"

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Progress and CQTeers

There has been a little progress on the latest barn as you can see from this picture...

Another anonymous quote for you..."Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.  The time will pass anyway"

Monday, September 03, 2018


It's been absolutely forever since I've given you any sort of tutorial so I think it's time, don't you?  Last week we had our monthly little CQTeers crafting group meeting and it was my turn to play hostess.  One of the duties of being hostess is to come up with some sort of 'program' which can involve learning a new technique or making something.  One of our members had mentioned perhaps making a needlebook so this is the idea I came up with...

My photography skills obviously are in need of a tutorial, but you can get the idea I'm sure!  Many of you could simply make your own pattern using the photo as inspiration, but here's the pattern anyway...

You will need to print the pattern to the size you require (mine ended up measuring approx. 8" x 3 1/2", but size is up to you).  

SUPPLIES:  pattern; three pieces of light-colored felt in the size of your pattern;  freezer paper (optional); assorted embroidery floss in colors of your choice; and a piece of HeatnBond (also optional).

HOW TO:   Trace the design onto freezer paper and iron onto felt (this step is optional, and you can use tissue paper instead).   In order to transfer the windows, etc. pattern onto the felt it's helpful to use a needle to make a tiny hole at the outer corners and then use either a fine tip marker or pencil to mark through the holes.  Then when you remove the freezer/tissue paper you can easily see the marks.  Embroider as desired.  If using HeatnBond, iron onto the back of the outside piece and then onto another piece of felt so that the back of your stitching is covered.  Trim inner felt to match the pattern and embroider around the outside using a buttonhole stitch in a thread that matches the color of the felt closely.  Cut another piece of felt into a rectangle that will fit inside the needle book for the 'pages' and stitch across the dotted line as shown in the pattern to hold in place.  At this point I fold the needle book the way I want it and run another line of stitching across the roof top to hold in place.  There you go - a needle book, courtesy of MA and the CQTeers!

Today the quote is from Mark Twain..."Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see"