A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Dare I say it?

 This set is destined for the 2025 Christmas box (should I duck and run after saying that??)...

The hat pattern is THIS one (I purchased the one that has multiple sizes - 0-3 months up to Adult Large) and the mitten pattern is in the Paton's booklet "Next Steps Seven".  Yarn is Vanna's Choice.


Just a reminder of the 'Starving Artist  half-price sale'
on landscapes that's happening until Feb. 7th.
Go HERE to see what's available!


- I need to be reminded of how to do THIS so thought perhaps some of you might as well.

- THIS looks like a nice bag tutorial.

- There's a really good article HERE for making a jacket out of a recycled quilt.

- Julierose posted a brilliant idea for using papers (phone book pages, actually!) in her piecing.  Maybe it's common knowledge but it's the first time I've heard of it!  Read her post HERE.

Today's quote..."My desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane"

A note regarding the political situation happening south of us and spilling over into the rest of the world....I intend to keep this blog as free from politics and the general fear that's going on right now as I can.  I feel that it's important that there are places we can go that are safe from the strife and, although I feel strongly about what's going on, I will try to stay away from dwelling on it here.  Suffice to say, RC and I will be buying Canadian as much as possible from now on, maybe not a huge help but something we, as individuals, can do.  I will be changing my 'sign off' graphics to not only reflect my support for the Ukraine but also a Canadian Flag in support of my own country.  


  1. Thank you for trying to be an oasis in our current turmoil. We need quiet spaces to rest in between activism.

    1. It's for my own mental health too! Quiet activism behind the scenes though.

  2. Was there a picture intended for the Christmas box set you mentioned?

  3. Thank you so much for the "shout out" re my little strip piecing tutorial;))) I am glad you liked the idea. :)))) I kept on ripping out the sewn seams along with the papers-- so this was my method to deal with that...I am sure I am not the first or only person to discover this, but I am happy that I did...;)))
    Thank you also for your statement about our current situation here in the USA.
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. You're welcome! You might not be the first to discover it, but you're the first I've seen post about it.

  4. As a Canadian citizen I agree with your statement about current politics. We have to stick together as a nation and buy Canadian!!! On another note. That knit glove shape is different.

    1. Yes, we have to stick together, for sure.

  5. As a fellow Canadian, I too am quietly doing what I can for my country. I think if enough of us do so, we will manage to get through. I love the hat and mitts.

    God bless.

    1. Quiet dissent is my plan and hopefully it will be the same for all Canadians.

  6. I just finished a Christmas cat blanket for the shelter, so I'll duck and run with you too, lol!! Quiet dissent from Down Under..... xx

    1. It's always good to add to that Christmas box because it means less stress come December. Dissent, for sure.

  7. Since making a double brimmed hat last year, I have to say I do love the look of them. I love your striped hat and mittens.

    1. I hope the double brim will be warmer for our grandies when they're playing outside.

  8. The quilt jacket is very interesting. I've thought about trying to do something similar but I suppose first I would have to actually start using my sewing machine a little bit.

    1. Yes, a sewing machine makes it a whole lot faster, but that's not to say that it couldn't be done by hand.

  9. I like the crown of the hat you made.
    Using phone book pages, newspapers and any such paper for foundation paper piecing goes way back in my family. Kentucky has a lot of quilt history using papers. It added warmth to the quilt.
    I do declare there is a difference between paper piecing and foundation paper piecing, but a lot of people don't.

    1. I've used paper but never thought of old phone books. Interesting that you say that it adds warmth to the quilt and now I assume that the paper must be left in and not removed.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.