A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A little bit of hand stitching and hand rubbing

 Not much stitching happening over the past couple of days.  My hands are giving me grief so I thought it was best to coddle them a bit.  Yesterday we went to our favourite 'occasion' restaurant (The Keg) for an early Valentine's dinner.  We never like going out on the actual day so an early treat works for us. pictures for you today, sorry!

- THIS is a pretty design and there's a hat also available.

- You might find one of THESE tips handy (literally...hah)

- THIS is a sweet little quick thing you could make for a special Valentine.  And THESE too.

- There are some good tips HERE too.

- Updated to add:  Check THIS out for a sweet little Valentine's design!

Today's quote is from Raymond Williams..."To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing"


  1. Happy Valentine's day!

  2. Have you tried something called "Blue Emu" on your hands? I use it on my hands and wrists when they ache. It's a cream that comes in a tub for about $10-15 at our WalMart store. No prescription necessary. For me the ache stops in about 20-30 minutes. Just an idea.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion! If I'm ever in Walmart I will look for it. I generally use Absorbine Sr. which I know is marketed as a horse linament (hah, does that say something about me???!), but our family has used it for years. It works but it's rather smelly.

  3. Take care of those hands; mine are finally starting to feel a bit better now...holding off stitching until at least this weekend...
    Makes me antsy though...;((( hugs,Julierose

    1. Yes, taking time off from stitching isn't something I want to ever do but sometimes it's forced on me.

  4. Hope that you had a wonderful outing. Take care of your hands. I have started to rest my hands and fingers by doing various projects. Actually weaving is very restful on my hands and fingers.

    God bless.

    1. Our supper out was lovely and we brought enough steak home to enjoy for a couple more meals.
      I agree that resting your hands is a good thing which is why I change between knit and crochet.

  5. I used to be a waitress and I always advised people to never eat out on Valentine's or Mother's Day.

    1. Our #1 son is a chef so we know all about not eating out on special occasions. He never gets holidays off because he has to serve everybody else.

  6. Isn't it nice to work on a smaller quilt after you finish a giant one?

  7. Hi MA: Sometimes we need to give our fingers a rest, after all the pulling you did on the quilt I cannot imagine how much it hurts the fingers. Thank-you for the interesting links.


    1. Yes, sometimes we need to rest our hands, or at least do a different activity for awhile. That's why I alternate between knitting and crocheting, just to have a change of pace.

  8. The cowl is adorable. Thanks for sharing.
    Greg and I never ate out on THE holiday. Just don't like crowds. We liked calling our own holiday. Who cares when you celebrated? Sometimes just celebrate for the JOY of having each other.

    1. Glad you like the cowl! And yes, RC and I never eat out on holidays, mainly because our son (the chef) always has to work them and he says how busy they are.


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