A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Starving Artist Sale!!


I'm not starving but thought it would be a 
good headline anyway.

I'm running a half-price sale on my landscapes January 29th through February 7th!  

If you're interested in getting a good deal on one of my pieces of art, please have a peek at what I currently have available HERE.  If you're interested, drop me a note (with 'Landscape' in the subject line) to marmic1954 AT hotmail DOT com.  Prices will be in Canadian dollars and must include shipping. Payment will be through PayPal.


- There's a really pretty new stitch-a-long starting HERE.  

- THIS is a really pretty project that would make a nice table-topper.

- I don't wear makeup so THIS wouldn't work for me for that purpose but I can see all sorts of other uses for it.

- THIS is a pretty block suitable for Valentine's Day.

Today's quote..."Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's garden"


  1. Yes, common sense is pretty uncommon.

    1. Seems to be getting more and more so these days, for sure.

  2. Your quote is a good one. It has amazed me how some brilliant people don't have common sense.

    1. It seems like common sense is sadly lacking in so many areas, particularly now.

  3. Thanks for sharing the SAL!! Don't start with common sense... or the lack thereof...!!!! xx

    1. You're welcome! And yes, there's a decided lack of common sense these days it seems.


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