A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Sometimes even I am aghast at how anal I can be

 Remember the landscape I was working on waaaaay back in October?  Well, I've picked it up again and am currently working on embroider/quilting the border.  For some reason I had a wild hare that it would be a smart idea to hand stitch an embroidery design using waste canvas.  The embroidery part isn't so I have to remove all that canvas, thread by thread.  Just to refresh your memory, here's how it looked back in October....

Since then it's been quilted and I've added embroidered grasses around the tractor and the trunk of the tree.  Also spent far too many hours painting and fussy cutting maple leaves which have been added.  

Terrible picture!  You can just see
the waste canvas along the edges 
and perhaps can see some of the stitching

And.....just to prove how anal I can be....and after hand stitching 2 1/2 sides of the border, I'm thinking about tearing it out and starting over.  I'm not happy with how I centered the design.  Will I...or won't I....or will I figure a go-round.  Only time will tell! (UPDATED:  I thought about it and ended up tearing it out and will begin again).

- I need to make one of THESE!!  Our door has a gap at the bottom that lets in the cold.

- THIS is an awwwww -worthy thing!

- I've seen THESE made of paper but not fabric...interesting.

- There are some fun ideas HERE for using paper bags (some Christmas-y but most are not).

Today's quote is a Turkish proverb..."When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king.  The palace becomes a circus"

('nuff said)


  1. I totally understand this. But I don't think of it as anal...more like quality control for personal satisfaction.

    1. Ahhh....I like that! Quality Control For Personal Satisfaction (QCFPS).

  2. I was just thinking yesterday about whether you were doing any landscape works lately. You must have been unpicking just then. See, I knew!

    1. Thought waves must have been getting to you!

  3. Hello MA: This is a beautiful quilt, so sorry you had to rip out, but your eye is the judge when it comes to finishing.
    Thank-you for the interesting links, I love the fabric basket may have to give it a try this spring.
    Cold here in Minnesota no snow on the ground in my area.


    1. Snowy and quite cold here today....brrrrr. And yes, ripping out is the only way I'll be happy with it overall.

  4. Perfect proverb for our situation here!!:))) Sorry you had to begin again, but if that piece isn't to your liking, you will never be happy with it...I am in the midst of a hurricane of WIPS--I need to deep six some I think...hugs, Julierose

    1. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and give up on something. Hard to do though!

  5. Or you can suck it up and say that's how it's gonna be. Whoever gets it or buys it is not going to quarrel. Oh, yes, I know: if YOU aren't comfortable with it then it's like a sore tooth you keep prodding.

    1. Yep - exactly! I wasn't happy with it so I reverse stitched the border and will start again.

  6. Sometimes one can let a small error go by... Other times it seems as if your eye is always drawn to the error and you need to fix it. I hope the work goes well this time around.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, you're right - once I noticed it I couldn't let it go. I'm getting lots of practice creating the design!

  7. You bring back memories of my Dad's little old Ford tractor, Yes, I can believe you tore it out. I know how you feel when you're just not satisfied. It's too annoying.

    1. Yep, I knew I would hate it if I kept on so out it came.

  8. Oh dear... well it looks great to me, but like the others said, if it bugs you, then do it again! xx

    1. From the photo it looks okay but I knew when it came to putting the backing on and using the seam allowance that it would be very off-centre.

  9. Whatever you decide about the border, I know it will look great. I love all the falling maple leaves! Very fun.

    1. The leaves took awhile to do but I like the effect. The border looks much better now so I'm happier.

  10. Beautiful quilt! My late dad had two of those tractors. Fun memories. Sorry you had to rip it all off. You are the best judge and I'm sure you'll come up with something that makes you happy and satisfied.

    1. Glad the quilt brought you good memories. I'm much happier with it now that I've redone the border.

  11. Oh wow, what beautiful additions, it looks beautiful!
    I can understand redoing it if you weren't happy with it.

    1. Thank you! Redoing was the way to go (and I just realized I forgot to post a picture of the completed landscape...oops)


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