Most of you are aware that my computer has been limping along getting prepped for what I suspect might be a massive melt down any day. computer has been purchased and it and my old faithful will be spending some quality time together at an undetermined location in order for files to be transferred and all sorts of mysterious 'computer-y processes' that completely befuddle your author will hopefully be performed. All of that simply means that I'm about to be gone for a few days. Do try to play nicely amongst yourselves. I will try to use my tablet to keep up with you but comments are likely to be non-existent from here.
- I think THESE are fun! Scrap buster but different than what you normally see.
- I really like THIS idea - another great use for scraps!
- I sometimes come across novel ideas and THIS is one of them. Even if you don't join in the challenge at least it should give you food for thought.
- Like many of you I'm sure, I'm seeing all sorts of quilted coats around the internet, so if you're contemplating making one, perhaps THESE tips might come in handy.
- There are some great exercises HERE that are supposed to be for knitters, but I think all of us could benefit, no matter what our area of art might be.
- Karen Ruane is taking registrations for her latest wonderful online class and you can find more details HERE.