A Rant -
of epic proportions
First of all, thank you to my incredible and very smart son who was kind enough to let you all know I was in over my head. He deserves a medal!
OK - here goes - (please feel free to just move on by this blog - my feelings won't be hurt).....
1. Our tv is old. It's creaky, like all us ol' folks get. She had issues with her picture sometimes but bravely soldiered on....until yesterday afternoon when she threw a hissy fit and went to the tv pasture in the sky. Well then.
We're told we're supposed to stay home...but....with no tv and no means to get the latest updates and news? And a husband who loves his tv? Sigh. Into the car...and cough up the bucks for a new 'Smart' tv. Which, said the salesman, was 'simple' to set up and implied that any moron could do it. (hmmm....obviously he doesn't know me......)
2. Carted home, unpacked and undertook to set it up, only to come to a screeching halt when it asked me for my 'wireless connection password'. Sure. I can do that. If only I knew what it was. I keyed in Every.....Single.....Password I have ever used (and a whole lot I haven't) and nothing worked. So....phoned the cable provider who very kindly told me (after going through a series of tests) that I would need to call the 'router' company, and gave me the proper phone number to call.
3. Called....and was put on hold and forced to listen to their advertising blurb for their wonderful incredible amazing offerings....over and over....for over an hour. FINALLY, a real live guy appeared and proceeded to have me unplugging, replugging, poking, proding, waiting....rinsing and repeating....the router (picture your Magpie up and down off the floor because said router so happens to be on a shelf beneath my computer desk...I'm too darned old for this!!). After nearly an hour of this he managed somehow to kick me off the internet (at which point I pushed the panic button, called my son on the cell phone... and had him post the message to you). Upon being told that the internet had gone poof - the guy had me doing more poking and plugging and finally the phone call got dropped.
4. Insert a string of swear words that would curl your hair....and probably that of most of your neighbours too.
5. Called back....on hold (listening to the same blurb and, I might add, not believing a word of it this time!!). In the meantime Resident Chef was on the cell phone talking to our son who proceeded to tell me to try a couple of things....one of which, wonder of wonders, was how to actually...get this....CHANGE my password!! Which was ALL I wanted to do in the first place and didn't involve ANY crawling about on the floor, plugging and unplugging. At this point I hung up on the idiots from the router company and went with my son's advice.
6. At least two hours on the phone with him and he walked me through getting a new password (which, I might add has been written down and is in a safe place) and the rest of the tv set up, including figuring out how to get our Netflix working....all from nearly four thousand miles away. I tell you, this guy should be working in tech support - he's brilliant!
7. Well after midnight I fell into bed with my internet back and a tv sort of working. One more phone call this morning to the cable provider to get the final picture quality issue fixed and we're up and running.
8. I did not even THINK about the fact that said 'Smart' tv has the ability to let me run internet through it....I don't want to know. I can only imagine the furor THAT might cause!
There, that's my tale of woe in a nutshell...
now my achy body has to recover from
all the exercise it got getting up and
down off the floor and crawling round
behind furniture
we have to learn which buttons to
push on the remote (now two of them!)
Extreme thanks (and huge hugs)
to our long-suffering son,
who deserves all the accolades he
can get.
The end.