Now for the how to I promised (for Arlee, whose work I admire a lot and she wants instructions from lowly!). goes. It's the smoke technique from 'Creative Paper Art' by Nancy Welch. The first recommendation I have is to be sure you work very close to a source of water (I worked in the laundry tub) don't want to set your house on fire. Firemen take a dim view of that. I digress.
I coated a sheet of card stock fairly heavily with white glue using a cheap wider brush. Don't allow the glue to dry. Light a candle and move the glued side of the paper slowly back & forth over the flame. You will have to experiment to get the distance between the flame and the paper right...I snuffed out the candle a lot. I then set the sheet aside to finish drying (took overnight). I tried using a heat gun to speed things up...NOT a good idea because it made the glue bubble. Once it's dry, buff it with a paper towel to remove the excess soot. Finally, I sprayed it with a light coat of Varathane clear finish in a matte and allowed to dry. (The book suggested using hair spray or an art fixative too). Then I just cut the sheets into atc size and I was done! A very simple, but effective technique...unless, of course, you burn the house down! Enjoy.
OO OO OOO I'm bouncin' wanting to try that one!!!!! Thank you!!! If you hear fire engines........ :}