A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Groan, Burp, Gasp...oh WHY?????

Why oh why does Christmas seem to entail eating far far too much? And why are we left with (horrors) leftovers that need to be eaten too? Why do things like Christmas stockings contain chocolate - crying out to be eaten? Why is there baking, baking, baking? It's all crying my name. Trouble is my size 16 jeans are crying too, despite the fact the label said they were 'stretch' jeans. Hah. They lie.


  1. Join the club MA except my size 16 jeans haven't fitted me since last Christmas.

  2. hi maryanne yup those dreadful chocolates i got enough til summer. going to freeze some,i,m going to have to get going on my gazelle and treadmill now, can,t go back to drs. with weight gain he will kill me. how was your visit with your company,hope you enjoyed it week going to make turkey stew to get rid of the rest of it. have a great day, say hi to uncle jack for me. kathy


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