A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Now what do you suppose...

 .....I am going to do with this?....

Reminded myself of how to paper piece to create this.

Here's a little gardening 'tip' from the Resident Chef....if you use a Keurig (or know someone who does), save the plastic pods.  Clean them out and they're perfect for starting your seeds.  They already have a drainage hole in the bottom.  He's also discovered that they fit into an egg carton bottom to keep them contained.  


I guess I should mention that yesterday was my 18th year Blogiversary.  Who knew I could mumble on for that length of time!


- THIS solves a burning question I'm sure you all have (hah).

- If your sewing machine skips stitches, check out THIS article.

- And I learned something (actually TWO somethings) when I read THIS.  

- I rather like THIS.  

- THESE would be cute additions to your Easter decor.

Here's your quote of the day....

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Just a little smile to brighten your day


Sometimes I come across something that just makes me smile and this guy certainly did it for me, hope he does for you too.

- THIS looks like it might be fun to try doing.

- THESE are so cute!

- A few of THESE could brighten your life.

- There's a number of links HERE for some quick quilt patterns.  And if you have some layer cakes you would like to use up, perhaps something HERE will be just what you need.

Today your quote is by George Orwell..."In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act"

Monday, March 17, 2025

Pondering a new project and knitting in the evenings


For some reason the past few days have been spent pondering the state of my belly button instead of actually doing anything constructive.  I'm toying with seeing what I might be able to do with this image (once again shared by the very generous Dale Stewart)...

I think  I'm 'seeing' this with a foggy twist.  You'll have to stay tuned to see what I might manage to come up with.

Evenings have been spent knitting and I have the final hat set for the grandies Christmas box off the needles...

- For those of you who chain piece, try THIS!  So brilliant and uses things we already have (scroll down to see what I'm referring to).

- THIS is an interesting bag design.

- You might want to play with THIS technique.

- Have a peek at the incredible creations of THIS artist!  And THIS amazing artist too!!!

Today your quote is from Winston Churchill...."I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do.  Behaviour never lies"

Friday, March 14, 2025

Another wee knitting project

 Just off my needles, this set, which is headed for the Christmas box...

The picture shows the colour as being blue, but it's actually black.  Same pattern as I used before and I believe the yarns are Canadiana (labels are long gone).  

- There are a number of ideas HERE for uses for scrap yarn.

- There's an excellent article HERE that might help you when adding borders to a quilt.

- Of course THIS would catch my eye!

- There are some great ideas HERE that you might find of interest.

- If you make fabric postcards (or would like to), perhaps the ideas HERE for finishing would be useful to know.

Today the quote is from Thomas Paine..."A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A little update - of sorts

 It was brought to my attention that perhaps it might be nice to show you a selection of the landscapes I've done.  This certainly isn't ALL of them but many of these are still for sale.  I think you can click on the pictures to embiggen them if you'd like to see more details.  Enjoy!  (scroll down to get to the links and the quote of the day)


Each one is created with fabric and features embroidery, painting, and many other techniques to create the images you see here.  I enjoy all that is old and abandoned - houses, churches, barns and vehicles. Most of the ones on offer here measure approximately 20" - 30" wide and have a hanging sleeve attached.

If you are interested in purchasing a piece of my art for your very own...or....if you would like to commission a creation using your own photograph...please contact me via marmic1954 AT email DOT com, using 'Landscape Enquiry' in the subject line. 

(Abbotsford, BC)
measures approx. 22" square

"Inside, Looking Out"
measures approx. 23x25"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart,
and used with his kind permission

measures approx. 25x26"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
and used with his kind permission

measures approx. 25x27"
Inspired by a photo by Tracy Baker
and used with her kind permission

"Kawandi Fields"
measures approx. 21x21"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart,
and used with his kind permission

"The Red Chair (Muskoka TB Sanitarium)"
measures approx. 21x29"
Inspired by a photo by Michael Lalonde
and used with his kind permission

"The Roads No Longer Travelled"
measures approx. 22x20"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
and used with his kind permission

"The Witch House"  SOLD!
measures approx. 27x29"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart (and used with
his always kind permission),
as well as Michael Trueman and Glen Bowe

"Hayfield School"
measures approx. 26 x 17"
Inspired by a photo by Glen Bowe
and used with his kind permission

"Lonely Sentinel"
measures approx. 22" square
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
and used with his always kind permission

"Lonesome Wheel"
measures approx. 22x25"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
and used with his kind permission


"Grande Ol' Dame"
measures approx 24x20"

'Storm on the Horizon'
Inspired by the preprinted panel
as well as a photo by Kathy Kelly
(used with permission)
Measures approx. 22x26"

'Waiting For Spring'
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
Measures approx. 29x25"

"Abandoned Blues"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart,
used with permission
Measures approx. 22x30"

Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
Measures approx. 27 1/2" x 24 1/2" 

"Dead End"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
measures approx. 26x22"

"Three Churches of Mahone Bay"

Measures 27x23"

                                                        "DANDELION LOVE"
                                              Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
                                                    Measures approx. 22"x29"

Inspired by a photo by Michael Trueman
Measures approx. 30x24"

Inspired by a photo by Barbara Sanbro
measures approx. 23 x 27"

Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
measures approx. 29x23"

Inspired by a photo by Michael Truman
Measures approx. 26 x 19"

"Browers Homestead"
Inspired by a photo by Glen Bowe
Measures approx. 19" x 28"

"Cobwebs and Splinters"
Inspired by memories of growing
up with an outhouse
Measures approx. 23 1/2" square

"Ghostly Memories"
Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
Measures approx. 29" x 23 1/2"

Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart
Measures 24 x 28"

Measures 26" x 29"

Inspired by a photo by Dale Stewart

Measures 32" x 24"

Inspired by a photo by Janice Holtom

060520       SOLD!!!
Measures 31" x 23"
Inspired by a photo by Jeff Fuhre

Measures 34" x 25"
Inspired by a free domain photo

Measures 24" x 30"
Inspired by a tractor owned by my uncle

Measures 30" x 23"
Inspired by a photo by John Phillips

Measures 30" x 22"
Inspired by a photo from Dale Stewart

Measures 29" x 22"
Inspired from a photo by Euvah Bryant

Measures 28" x 17"
Inspired by a photo from my personal collection

Measures 31" x 20"
Inspired by a photo from my personal collection

I would like to thank all the great photographers who have been so willing to share their amazing photos with me.  The inspiration you've provided has been invaluable!

- I thought THESE were fun.

- THIS looks like it would be a great project to try.

- And so is THIS!

- Some of you might have one of THESE and might want to make it pretty.

- THIS is a pretty project for spring (or would be nice for fall too).