A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Short check in

 Thought I'd pop in for a minute to let you know that my eyes are healing well but I still can't see anything close up and mid-distance is a strain so my computer time is still limited.  I've been trying to skim through your blogs so I don't miss anything important but I haven't been making comments.  Gosh, I miss you guys!  I see my optometrist April 19th so hopefully I'll have my new glasses shortly after that.  Can't happen soon enough.

In the interim we've been working hard cleaning out a condo belonging to our friend who is heading for a nursing home.  A lot of work but a good distraction for me right now.

Keep talking amongst yourselves 


  1. Hello! Good to Read you again! Glad you are healing well. Seeing your post is like seeing spring flowers!
    I still think your glasses should be ready sooner, but it is what it is with doctors.

    The miniatures are adorable. I wonder how may of use will try to make a faux burger from a button. lol

  2. Glad to hear things are going well:)

  3. Very glad to see you back. I know you're impatient to get up to speed, but try not to push!

  4. Good to hear from you - keep up the good healing and don't strain. Thanks for the links today. I was going to smash some metal buttons for a different project (still might) but now I have to try those cakes! Be well friend.

  5. Glad to hear that you will get your glasses on the 19th--and that you are doing well...hugs, Julierose

  6. Sweet Mary Anne I am so happy to hear you are healing and getting along better. You will have an entire new world to view in just a few short weeks. Please be careful cleaning out your friend’s home. Love the miniatures. Blessings Dear.

  7. I'm glad to hear that you are doing better!

  8. Enjoy your little break. Take care!

  9. So happy to hear that things are progressing well and hope that continues to be the case! Looking forward to seeing you back really soon! In the meantime, have a lovely Easter! Hugs Christine xx

  10. Good to hear from you! Keep healing!

  11. That is good news that your eyes are healing well. Take care, lovely Mary Anne.

  12. So glad to hear things are mending well....take care

  13. Nice to "see" you here! I hope every day gets better and better for you. I'm glad you have something to keep you busy for a little while!


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.