....it's off on a trip we go!
We heading off into the great blue sky and
flying out to visit our #2 son and d-i-l
for a couple of weeks!
My hubby has never flown, so he's quite apprehensive about the whole experience and it's been over thirty years since I've been in a plane, so I'm sure it's going to be rather nerve-wracking for both of us, but the fact that we will be seeing our kids when the plane lands AND we'll also get to see the Canadian Rocky mountains for the first time will certainly help with the pre-flight jitters.
Right now we're suffering from the lists/piles syndrome and scurrying about trying to remember everything we need to take (and do!) before we leave. All this packing and such is definitely foreign to our nature!
AND - on a whole other subject altogether I've been (in my spare moments) putzing about with doing a bunch of zentangling. Irene (CQTeers group member) was first bitten by the bug and she has subsequently passed it onto Sue and from there to me. I took a little longer than the other two to succumb fully to the fun. At our last meeting Sue had a brilliant idea and had a book she was devoting to different zentangle patterns so I am using her idea and have started one of my own. Who knew this could be so much fun?? The only problem is that I've 'tangled' so much that my arthritis is flaring up...oops.
Here's a page from my new pattern book....
And now, my friends, I leave you to play amongst yourselves. See you when I get back!